Custom Art

Custom Art by Taylor Ann
We are proud to be partnered with Las Vegas Pet and Wildlife Artist, Taylor Ann to bring you custom pet portraits of your new fur-baby! An original 8″x10″ puppy portrait is included with every Puppy Package.
Having an original artwork of your puppy is one of the greatest ways to capture your puppy’s personality, preciousness, and overall uniqueness.
You can commission Taylor for your dog’s portrait as they get older as well! Or any other animal portrait!
Book Your Custom Pet Art Today. Pricing starts at Only $75.00.

“Our pets are more than just pets. They are a part of the family. Each pet has their own personality, story, and a place in our hearts. Each pet I had growing up was more than just an animal to me. They helped shape me into the persona I am. They bring joy into our lives, teach us about our strengths and weakness, test our patience, and let us know there is no single definition of what love and pain is.
I love hearing the stories of your pets. The more you tell me about them, the more they go into their portrait. Giving you a portrait of your puppy gives you a reminder of that moment you fell in love. That feeling of your heart being tugged while you melt into the floor. You can’t possibly let that pup go now! They had you from the first burst of puppy breathe.
Share your pet’s story, history, and images with me and get the custom work they deserve.”
– Taylor
All the critters are welcome!
Book Your Custom Pet Art Today. Pricing starts at Only $75.00.